paedobaptism vs credobaptism

Baptism Debate: A Paedobaptist Position with R.C. Sproul

Baptism Debate: A Credobaptist Position with John MacArthur

How central is the issue of credobaptism vs. pedobaptism?

What Changed Your Mind on Baptism? | Doug Wilson

Did the Early Church Baptize Children?

The Bible Supports Infant Baptism (here's why)

Infant Baptism debate w/ Pastor Keith Foskey (Conversations with a Calvinist)

Debate: Is Infant Baptism Biblical?

Should We Baptize Infants?

A Lutheran and a Baptist Discuss Infant Baptism

A Biblical Analysis of Infant Baptism

Sermon: Is Baptism The Fulfillment of Circumcision - Colossians 2

Since Abraham was circumcised after having faith, why do we baptize infants before they show faith?

Infant Baptism

Steven Lawson on Baptism Doctrine and debating RC Sproul

'Presbyterians are just Reformed Baptists who can read!' | Paul Washer & Joel Beeke

The Baptism Battle: Exploring Credo vs Paedobaptism with Dr. Stephen Wellum

Infant Baptism is Biblical

The great baptism debate: settled once and for all.

The Baptism Debate James White vs Gregg Strawbridge

Credobaptism vs Paedobaptism: Which Is Right?

Infant Baptism | Douglas Wilson (Reformed Basics #15)

Infant Baptism: A Summary Case | Doug Wilson

Why Credobaptism is Right and Paedobaptism is Wrong: Or, Dont Baptize Infants - Kiffin's Keep Ep. 45